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Potrero #13, col. San Antonio
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

(415) 152-5421

Esencia Yoga Spa, a Registered Yoga Alliance School, was born out of the passion to share wellness. We believe in the integration of your physical, mental and spiritual health to help you achieve the optimal state of well-being and balance. This is how we created your yoga classes and spa treatments. 



What's New at Esencia

Posture Clinic

Melinda Marino

Join our new monthly posture clinics!

Each month we will deep dive into

popular postures and answer all your questions.

Offering Alignment based biomechanics of

postures and their benefits physically,

mentally and energetically.

Creating sustainability for a safe lifelong practice

and finding the pathway to the full expression of the pose.

Attending every month to build your knowledge

with hands on adjustments and demonstrations.

September is Ukatasana series chair pose to eagle transitions and modifications

90 minutes

lead by Melinda E-RYT500.

$250 in advance

$350 day of event

Palm Astrology

Melinda Marino

Join us for a unique class on Palms with
international Hand Analysis expert ANABELLA!
We will offer a class on how to read the lines in your hands,
learn to see how open your Heart is ,
if you are working with your higher intuition and
if you have a mission in writing.

Did you know the lines in the palms of your hands change
according to how your brain and heart is changing ❓
Learn how the shape of your hands tell you how evolved a person is.
The length of the fingers show you how a person will be touching lives.
Also understanding how creative a person is by just looking at  their hands.

On a mystical level when we pass on
our palms go blank and our lines disappear.
This Very informative and creative class will give you
invaluable insight on your next encounter.
You will need paper and colored pencils for a little drawing and note taking. 
 Creating a drawing  you will unfold the mysteries 
right in the palms of your hands.


Melinda Marino

This special date the class will finish with Reiki
by our Reiki master Cothy Hajnal. 
He  will do a group spiritual and energetic reiki healing
during the final resting meditation for a $50p min. donation. 
You can also receive private sessions by appointment.

1 hour private session $800p cash payment

Yoga Posture Clinic

Melinda Marino

Each month we will deep dive into 
popular postures and answer all your questions. 
Offering Alignment based biomechanics of
postures and their benefits physically,
mentally and energetically. 
Creating sustainability for a safe lifelong  practice
and finding the pathway to the full expression of the pose.
Hands on adjustments and demonstrations.
August Cobra series 90 minutes
90 minutes with
Claudia Anguiano RYT200
$250 in advance
 $350 day of event

Medi Day Spa

Melinda Marino

Dr. Guillermo is a board certified cosmetic surgeon
specializing in facelifts. He is a precision facial surgeon
and knows exactly how facial muscle geometry responds
to Botox and Juviderm fillers.

For more information and to Schedule your appointment
Call 415-152-5421