Contact Us

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Potrero #13, col. San Antonio
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

(415) 152-5421

Esencia Yoga Spa, a Registered Yoga Alliance School, was born out of the passion to share wellness. We believe in the integration of your physical, mental and spiritual health to help you achieve the optimal state of well-being and balance. This is how we created your yoga classes and spa treatments. 


What's New at Esencia

Skincare Masterclass Party

Melinda Marino

Where beauty meets science!  
This intimate event will guide you through the latest skincare
innovations, offering you the opportunity to learn from
our skincare professionals and enhance your beauty regimen.
Enjoy delicious refreshments and snacks while building community
and engaging in educational conversations.
By participating, you’ll also have the chance to win
exciting prizes and access exclusive one-time-only discounts.
What’s in store?
 Through specialized tests, we will determine your skin
type, allowing us to recommend
the most suitable products and treatments.
Discover the most innovative medical-grade facial products
designed to improve the health and appearance of your skin. Our
experts will show you how to use them properly for optimal results.
This is a hands on interactive experience not to be missed!