Yoga Trapeze Workshop Melinda Marino ERYT-500
Melinda Marino
Explore the idea
of adding Yoga
to your weekly
health routine
August 11th
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cash Only
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Potrero #13, col. San Antonio
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato
(415) 152-5421
Esencia Yoga Spa, a Registered Yoga Alliance School, was born out of the passion to share wellness. We believe in the integration of your physical, mental and spiritual health to help you achieve the optimal state of well-being and balance. This is how we created your yoga classes and spa treatments.
What's New at Esencia
Explore the idea
of adding Yoga
to your weekly
health routine
August 11th
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cash Only
July 28th
From 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
If you need:
-better circulation
-increased mobility & flexibility
-stress reduction
-improved sleep
-breath awareness
-increased muscle tone
This yoga class is for you!
Yoga Trapeze workshop
Taught by Yoga Alliance certified trapeze instructor Melinda Marino
July 21st
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
It’s the most natural form of inversion therapy that lengthens the space between each vertebra. What you need to reduce chronic low back pain! It supports and assists the body in deeper backbends that normally cannot be accessed.
-Relieve back pain
- Increase flexibity
-Build a strong core
-Develop upper body strength
June 16th
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
DeLora is a Certified Yoga Therapist and yoga teacher trainer. She loves bringing yoga to those who think it is not for them.
Chair Yoga offers everyone the opportunity to do yoga - no getting up and down off the floor. It's done utilizing the chair: either sitting on it, standing next to it, or using the chair for balancing poses. Great for students having muscle and joint problems and anyone recovering from injuries or surgery. THIS is the yoga for YOU!
Some of the many benefits are:
*better circulation
*increased mobility & flexibility
*stress reduction
*improved sleep
*breath awareness
*increased muscle tone
June 23rd 11:00 am - 12:30 pm $200 pesos