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Potrero #13, col. San Antonio
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

(415) 152-5421

Esencia Yoga Spa, a Registered Yoga Alliance School, was born out of the passion to share wellness. We believe in the integration of your physical, mental and spiritual health to help you achieve the optimal state of well-being and balance. This is how we created your yoga classes and spa treatments. 



What's New at Esencia

Traction Therapy for spinal helthcare!!!

Melinda Marino

April 16, 2022

11:00 - 1:00 pm


This workshop is open to ALL levels, ages and body types.
This system is designed to improve your spinal health.
Gain posterior chain and abdominal strength to support a healthy spine. Conservative traction therapy can offer Immediate relief from sciatic pain.

How young livig essential oils support our stress response?

Melinda Marino

by Kimberly 
Saturday, April 23
 11am-1pm $500 pesos

Support Your response to Stress workshop
Our adrenal glands support our bodies in responding to stress.

I have a hunch it’s not just me. I have been on a journey to bolster my ability to respond to stressors with more flexibility and ease. Can you relate?

I’m Kimberly, and I am a dedicated student and teacher here at Esencia. Like you, I am a human in the world. We have all faced some collective stress, and continue to do so. You have whatever is going on in your personal life too! And then there are the foods you eat, how much sleep you get, how much movement you are able to incorporate, and other factors that can impact your stress response.
The great news is that there are practices that can support how you view stress, how you respond. Stress won’t ever be eliminated entirely (diamonds are created under pressure), and you can still thrive!
My journey to heal and nourish my adrenal glands is far from complete, but I have learned enough to be ready to share some things I think could be useful! Join me for a nourishing all-levels yoga practice, meditation, and discussion about practices, essential oils, and nutrients that nourish adrenals!

What to bring:
A yoga mat (you can rent one)
Water bottle
Notebook and pen
Wear comfortable clothing

We will have props to use at the studio!

Traction Therapy for Spinal healthcare!!!

Melinda Marino

March 5, 2022
$399.00 pesos

This practice event is open to ALL levels, ages and body types.
This event is designed to improve your spinal health.
Gain posterior chain and abdominal strength to support a healthy spine. It can offer Immediate relief from sciatica and tight hips.