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Potrero #13, col. San Antonio
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

(415) 152-5421

Esencia Yoga Spa, a Registered Yoga Alliance School, was born out of the passion to share wellness. We believe in the integration of your physical, mental and spiritual health to help you achieve the optimal state of well-being and balance. This is how we created your yoga classes and spa treatments. 



What's New at Esencia

AERIAL YOGA WORKSHOP with Melinda Marino

Melinda Marino

This workshop is open to ALL levels, ages and body types. This system is designed to improve your spinal health. Gain posterior chain and abdominal strength to support a healthy spine. Conservative traction therapy can offer Immediate relief from sciatic pain.

MEDITATION & KIRTAN Sunday, July 17th

Melinda Marino

3:33pm Osho Golden Light Meditation with Akhila Tapia
Tap into this meditation technique to raise your energies in an upward flow from your root chakra to your crown chakra.  Unleash the creativity in you!
4:44pm Kirtan with Brian Boyle
Kirtan is the most powerful means to penetrate the soul and reconnect with spirituality.  Listen to music and chant mantra to open your heart!

5:55pm Pot Luck
Bring your favorite vegan dish and share the love with our community!


Salsa classes in April

Melinda Marino

Meet Salsa Sensation

Sofia Guerrero, born in San Miguel de Allende. She has been a dancer of Latin rhythms for about 10 years, she has participated in various municipal and foreign cultural events, such as the Cuba Fest in San Miguel de Allende just to mention a few. She has 7 years of experience as a dance instructor for Latin rhythms such as Salsa, Chachachá, Bachata, Cumbia, Rueda de Casino, Estilo, Merengue and Pachanga.
Updating dance techniques every day and learning with the best dance teachers in Mexico, taking courses and workshops in congresses in Guanajuato, Guadalajara, León, Acapulco, San Luis Potosí, Celaya, Morelia, Querétaro, Puerto Vallarta, CDMX, Puebla, Oaxaca and more.
Creating an environment where you have fun and learn. 

Reserve your space $150.00 pesos