June's Yogi in Residence: Swami BEa
Melinda Marino
"I started taking Yoga classes from Jimmy Barkan back in 1985. At first Yoga was simply a way of exercise. After a few years, I started exploring other styles of Yoga and studied Ashtanga Yoga under the tutelage of David Swenson. In 1997, I took my yoga practice into another level and it became a way of life. This journey has taken me to India many times, where under the guidance of the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh I have followed deeper studies about Yoga Philosophy and Sanskrit. Having discovered the deeper meaning of this philosophy, I have acquired a commitment to spread the message of Yoga wherever I am. I have explored many styles of Yoga, only to find the unity in their diversity. I have been trained and/or certified in Bikram, Barkan Method, Ashtanga, Jivamukti, Sivananda, Iyengar, Anusara and Universal Yoga (Andrei Lappa). Studies with Mano Ardissone at Ayama Yoga in North Miami Beach opened me to new possibilities and have expanded my understanding of the practice.
The system of Yoga has been so fragmented that it is my goal to make us all see that all Yoga is only one. I call myself a Teacher of Yoga, not making any differentiation or identifying with a particular style, and teach that way. To me Yoga is an ongoing process through which we can transform our consciousness into an awareness of our true purpose of life here on Earth. This is the new way for the new millennium. We went from the One to the many, and it is now time to find our way back from the many to the unity of ONE. I am also known as Tejas
Yoga Philosophy Workshop: June 5-7
What is Yoga? Yoga is not a system of exercise, nor a system of belief; it has no religious implications. Yoga is a philosophy. It is a way of living! It is about awareness, about paying attention. Yoga that cultivates awareness and attention takes time. In heightening our practice, we more fully taste the sweetness of our efforts.
If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of this philosophy join us this weekend. Learn about the way of life that lays deep inside of you waiting to be awakened.
We will explore the significance of the word Yoga, and the principles that gave birth to this ancient system that have been misunderstood and reduced to a mere narcissistic system of physical postures. We have forgotten that the principles of the Yoga System have the potential to transform our lives, right here, right now in order to experience the joys of life exactly as it is as we find that we are our own source of harmony and peace.
Yoga Anatomy Workshop: June 12-14
In our Anatomy sessions we will discover the perfection that the Human Body is. Our bodies are the most intricate and sophisticated vessels in charge of protecting, maintaining and nurturing LIFE itself growing inside of us. Learning how the body works allows us to establish a healthy relationship with it, allowing us to move more gracefully, honoring and respecting it.
It is open to all, new and seasoned students. There are no levels, no limitations. All required is an open mind, and an intense desire to expand and explore.